Hello, With a couple of Eastern Suburbs beaches reopening this week, are we allowed to start feeling cautiously optimistic?  We hope you and yours are all safe and well. Our Osteopath Jerome has very generously offered to give FREE online ergonomic assessments to those of you working from home. He can skype/zoom etc you to see what […]

Looking after your health at a time like this takes on greater importance than ever, and we take your health very seriously. As such we will be staying open and operating normal business hours for you. With the current concerns we would like to reassure you that we are following WHO and Australian Government updates […]

We wanted to talk you through some basic strategies you can employ to boost your immune function so that if it does get to you, its impact will be far less. Immunity is strongly linked to the autonomic nervous system (stress response). When we are stressed and our sympathetic nervous system is in full swing […]

The working year is now well underway and people are back spending long hours in front of computer screens.  One of the common conditions we see is something called Upper Cross Syndrome, and yes, even this early in the year we are already having people coming in for osteopathic treatment for this. This “syndrome” refers […]

Wow, that’s a pretty big call. When I first saw this study I thought it sounded a bit ridiculous. Just being excessively slumped is associated with dying earlier? Sounded a bit dramatic. Then I read the study, and a few other studies on this topic. Slumping forward is one of those things that tends to […]

osteopathy sydney cbd

When you experience sudden, sharp pain in your back, it can be pretty scary. How do you tell if something serious is going on, or if it’s something more straightforward? Here is a link to a great article I just read which outlines in basic terms the key differences between back pain that is musculo-skeletal […]

I wanted to share this article from the Harvard Medical School website which outlines steps you can take to make sure your New Years Resolutions come true. It’s a great idea to make resolutions, especially if they involve improving your health or taking better care of yourself. But making the resolution is only the beginning. […]

For those of you who are lucky enough to be jumping on a plane to head somewhere this holiday season, we wanted to outline a few tips and tricks to make your trip as pain free as possible. Travelling is great, but it’s also easy to hurt yourself. Sitting on planes for long periods of […]

At this time of year we always see a lot of people with injuries related to the sudden desire to quickly get in shape. Their exercise regime drifted a little over the winter months but with Summer approaching they need to get their bikini body back. Bravo I say! But, we need to temper that […]

We are commonly asked what the difference is between an Osteopath and a Physiotherapist. Our Osteopath Jerome Smith spent the last 5 years working in a clinic that employs both osteopaths and physiotherapists, so he is uniquely positioned to answer this question. In Australia, physiotherapists specialise in rehabilitation. Rehab is a very diverse field, with […]