The working year is now well underway and people are back spending long hours in front of computer screens. 

One of the common conditions we see is something called Upper Cross Syndrome, and yes, even this early in the year we are already having people coming in for osteopathic treatment for this.

This “syndrome” refers to a particular configuration of overlapping overactive and underactive muscle groups in the neck, chest, and shoulders – a bit like ‘slouching’. 

Typically, poor posture causes the syndrome, including the forward head posture, overuse of upper shoulder muscles, shortening of the chest (pec) muscles and weakening of mid back muscles. One of the aggravating causes is from sitting in front of computers for long periods of time.

The list of symptoms that this will lead to ranges from headaches and neck pain to jaw pain and pain thru the shoulders, upper back and ribs, numbness and tingling in the fingers and decreased range of movement

The big tip for you during you working day is to get up from your desk at regular intervals and do a few simple stretches thru you upper back and neck and squeeze you shoulder blades down and together, have a quick walk around – get that cup of tea or glass of water, before sitting back down 

Click on this link for a bit more information about this and what you can do to help. 

Management of your body is the key to injury prevention. Call us for an appointment here at Harley Place Health to help out. Our team are here across the week from Monday to Saturday.