Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of Rod Marsh and Shane Warne. The tragic passing of these legendary Australian Cricketers last week has prompted a lot of people to start thinking about their heart health.

What can we do to prevent a heart attack?

Dr Ross Walker is a leading Cardiologist, and he very generously took the time to pen a few thoughts on this topic over the weekend. The link to his article is https://drrosswalker.medium.com/the-death-of-two-cricketing-legends-on-the-same-day-4c0af842fa10. A few key points from his article for you to share with anyone you think may find it interesting:

Almost all cardiovascular disease can be prevented if detected early and there are now very accurate cardiovascular screening tests that are available freely to us all that can detect early disease with preventative management, if necessary, commenced immediately.”

” 70% of atherosclerosis and therefore heart attack (as I’ve stated the commonest manifestation of atherosclerosis) is directly related to the insulin resistance gene”

” This gene is present in 30% of Caucasians, 50% of Asians and close to 100% of people with darker or olive skin. Thus, when anyone with this gene is exposed to modern living, it is very common to develop diabetes (or prediabetes), high blood pressure, specific cholesterol abnormalities which include high triglycerides and low HDL, along with abdominal obesity.”

Dr Walker then goes on to outline the specific tests he recommends for a comprehensive screening, as well as the kind of treatments and supplements he recommends. He finishes with a pretty powerful line: “the most important coronary arteries in this world are your own, if you’re not prepared to look after them why should anyone bother to help you? Take the first step now & see your doctor to start this process.”